Here’s the list:

  1. Listen more to more Black people – and amplify their voices
  2. Post less – and think before you post
  3. Call in, call out, and/or report anti-Blackness when you see it
  4. Support Black people and Black-led instances and projects
  5. Approach it intersectionally

The full article goes into detail, and also has links to anti-racism resources and appendices with a list of common mistakes to avoid and blocklist resources for moderators.

Thanks to everybody who gave feedback on earlier drafts!

  • Aussiemandeus
    7 months ago

    Because I put up a meme from 4 Chan I can’t be black? Fuck off. I’m a Ngombur man from Kakadu in Australia. It’s racist as fuck to say that someone isn’t black. Especially in Australia where the stolen generations were taken away and forced to be raised and educated as white and told in youth that you’re not black and your culture is nothing.

    And while we’re digging through lost histories, boy do I sure hope this was posted with sarcasm

    But you know it’s a time honoured position on the internet to say something horrible and cover with it was just a joke.