I remember when you could only barely resize text
curl https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/7732424.jpg > src.jpg && convert -pointsize 72 label:"Using the command-line\nto make memes" label.gif && montage label.gif src.jpg -tile x1 out.jpg
NGL I really dig putting pictures through the audio editing software Audacity as part of my editing process
It can do some cool things to pictures with a bit of tinkering
I’ve got a whole gallery of pics I’ve done it to on my Deviant Art page.
Fucking C-x M-c M-butterfly
I’ll be impressed when someone uses punch cards to make memes.
Should be using foss software
Aren’t tiktok videos edited in-app as well? I’ve never used it, but seeing all these tiktok videos by random people that are all edited and filtered like it took some skill just made me assume the editing features of these apps are so advanced now that just about anyone can “edit” a video nowadays. Back then you had to know how to use photoshop and aftereffects to edit stuff.
I have heard tiktok has really good video editing, but never used it either
The idea of this post came from me using whatsapp to make a meme. When i did it, it couldnt make the text small enough to fit, it couldnt(if i remember correctly) change fonts and the default color was blue, not black
The app is now much better so i have to switch to editing images in a game engine
Bytedance has a video editing app called something like CapCut
You need to use a hex editor