I know there’s no shortage on political posts on Lemmy, especially in other communities, but I don’t really know where else I could post this.

I’ve always had the philosophy that anyone (referring to the working class here) could spend their money on whatever they want without feeling any shame. Especially when it concerns donations. Donate to the cause that speaks to you more, etc. etc.

But I honestly haven’t considered political donations into my already bare-bones philosophy. And I think that quite shook me when I saw the MastodonForHarris movement.

I understand that people want to support their favorite candidate and make sure they win so that they feel safer. But doesn’t giving 500k to someone who’s already rich, receives millions and, let’s be honest, still works for the interests of the rich feel a little off to anyone?

What hit me the most was seeing a post from someone in Gaza that needed 60k. That made me realize that 60k for someone could be life changing, while 500k for Harris could just mean nothing to her. (here’s the GoFund me for those who are interested: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-donate-family-gaza-palestine-gofundme)

I’m still very new to leftism, so I may be wrong. But nothing feels leftist about any of this. I know not everyone is a leftist on the Fediverse, but I felt like most of us here had anti-corporate and anti-billionaire views. And even if she is a leftist from a US politics point of view, I still can’t help but feel like those donations are misplaced due to her donation pool and policies.

I do not mind if you disagree, but please at least explain why.

  • demesisx@infosec.pub
    2 months ago

    You’re SO good at online trolling. You almost accomplished your goal of making one of the armies of politically voiceless people in the US lose even more hope and finally kill himself

    but not today you stupid bitch.

    You seem like the type of spineless, smug, perpetually-online centrist that would be terrified to voice your opinions to me face to face but spend your day telling fed up people like me to “touch grass” or something on-brand. I think you’ll be late to brunch if you continue this too long, wine Mom.