edit: Archive link only, due to BT journalists being on strike and requesting to avoid crossing the virtual picket line.

  • ZagorathOP
    3 months ago

    Brisbane City Council has since vowed to bring forward annual driver health assessments from 75 years of age to 60, prompting the bus drivers’ union to declare timetable pressures a bigger issue deserving attention.

    This is the third bus driver to have killed someone in recent memory, so more health assessments is probably a good idea. So too would be reducing the stress drivers are under to maintain strict timetables. For example, by hiring more drivers. Which might require paying them more.

    But even better would be if our whole transport network were made safer. Pedestrians are much less safe crossing our wide 4 lane CBD roads and frequent 6 lane suburban roads than they would be if they only needed to cross two lane lower speed streets. Putting more of our transport network on rails and keeping them separated from roads would be even better.