I am interested in what RPGs the people here are playing. Tell me about the cool systems you are trying out or about your campaigns.

  • mainfrog@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Dungeons & Dragons 5e. D&D Beyond just make it really easy to do. Previously played Pathfinder and Shadowrun using tools like Hero Lab.

    As I’ve gotten older I really value tools that do a lot of the crunchy rules for us as opposed to having to have a strong knowledge of the books mechanics.

  • Inspectigator@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I have been playing Pathfinder 2e for the last few years. We just finished a Starfinder campaign, and are starting up a Lancer game in it’s place. I’ve wanted to try Lancer for years, so I’m pretty excited for it! :D

    • 404name@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Are you playing APs for 2e or something homebrew? I’m a long time 1e veteran who’s tables have moved to 2e and we’re loving the system so far. I will be GMing Quest for the Frozen Flame for one table but my other hasn’t decided on what they want.

      • Inspectigator@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Oh man… PLEASE go for Frozen Flame. I ran the first half of book 2 of that campaign while my group was in between games. It’s perhaps one of the most coveted experiences I’ve had yet. I absolutely adore what we did in book 2, and from what I’ve read, book 1 is just as great. The AP is dripping with flavor, and really embraces its setting. I look forward to the day that I get to experience the whole thing!

        I’ve done a whole bunch of 2e stuff. I’ve run a couple one shots, I’ve been running Age of Ashes for 2 groups for about 3 years, I’ve done some off-the-rails homebrew as a result of player choices in those games, and I’m playing in a 2e conversion of Strange Aeons at the moment.

        If you’re looking to start a new 2e game, I very much recommend getting all of your players at the table together for session 0 to discuss group buy in and rough character themes. Once you have character themes, only THEN dive into mechanics. Unlike 1e, it’s much more difficult to build an objectively garbage character in 2e, which means the system is FAR MORE welcoming to building out an idea. 1e (in all of its glory) was so wrought with pitfalls, that if you tried to build from an idea, you had about a 80% chance you’d end that journey with a garbage character. 2e doesn’t do that. It’s lovely!

        • 404name@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          Ive been running 2e since around new year’s and playing it since 2020. I mostly have run society scenarios and a conversion of a 5e module. I’ve got two tables, my PFS table has already chosen quest for the frozen flame. My other table is undecided on what they want to do (they are the furthest from finishing current campaign, so there’s time). I have two players that are at both tables, so I don’t want to run the same thing for both since they will start the new stuff at different times.

          I’m doing ABP and free archetype for Quest of the frozen flame so they can get more flavorful with their characters. We always do a session zero, more so to make sure all the ability/skills are covered and to allow people to have shared back stories if they want it.

  • Nicktar@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m currently running a campaign in D&D5e and am playing in two others, there’s a Scion campaign that I play in and yesterday a short campaign for Vampire the Masquerade had it’s kick off. Additionally I’m currently planning a few shot for TORG Eternity that I’m going to run during summer break with the Scion group.

  • IntheTreetop@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Since there’s just the two of us right now, my wife and I are playing a co-op Ironsworn. It’s been pretty fun but a bit tough at times since you have to think up your own story. The oracles help, but sometimes we get stuck.

    We’re pretty new to it all so we just chalk it up to inexperience. I’m sure it’ll get better.

  • 404name@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m about to finish up a Pathfinder 2e conversation of the 5e module Curse of Stradh. My players all decided to make my life hard and play as skeletons. It’s made for a very unique campaign as I’ve had to think outside the box for how all the , normally, friendly NPCs would react to undead “heros”. There’s a lot of undead in the campaign and my players took a feat that essentially lets them try diplomatic solutions with undead before they become hostile. It’s made encounters that should be combat into diplomatic missions and what should be safe places with friendly NPCs into high stakes (pun intended) stealth missions with potential for combat. The damsel in distress was horrified when she discovered her heros were undead and now has trust issues. Items the module sprinkles around are all for living heros to fend off the undead, so there’s so much less help for my players and some of the help is more of a hindrance or outright deadly for them now. It’s completely changed the dynamic of the module in such an interesting way and both my players and I have loved it.

  • Cass.Forest@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m currently GMing a campaign of Skull & Shackles (a Pathfinder 1E campaign) in Pathfinder 2E and my players and I are having a blast

  • aedyr@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I have historically played a lot of 5E, but I’ve been looking to try out Pathfinder for quite a while now. I’m interested to see what happens with the remaster in November.

  • Schlock@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m currently playing in a DnD 5e Rime of the frostmaiden campaign, but for the next one we want to switch to Pathfinder 2e. At the moment i’m writing a campaign that could become that PF2 game but i’m not sure if there is a better system for what i have in mind (a single large scale siege in a late medival pseudo-european/HRE setting). Also i kind of want to run the mountain witch and maybe someday i will finish my own cyberpunk/post-cyberpunk system, because I still have not found a cyberpunk game that I actually like.

  • StrahdVonZarovich@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    DMing the Kingmaker adventure path for Pathfinder 1st Edition. Its been great fun, and I thankfully have the kind of players that like the Kingdom Building rules (with Legendary Game’s Ultimate Rulership addition) and the overall vibe of ruling a kingdom. In a few more sessions, the party will enter the War of the River Kings and im planning to really kick them in the balls with it. The past few quests have been pretty solid victories for the party, so now im going to start the war with them on their back foot.

  • bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    My group recently switched from D&D 5e to Pathfinder 2e. We are playing through the Beginner box, and after that I’m planning on running Abomination Vaults for them (Shoutout to the TableTop Gold podcast for turning me onto that awesome AP)

  • kiithwarrior@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Currently running Age of Ashes for PF2e. It’s been great so far. PF2e is my preferred system to GM in as it has rules for everything you can think of, which from a GM’s pov is great as I can consistently rule the same in each session or in each campaign we play.

    Also play DnD5e pbp on a community discord server and I live play Delta Green (Call of Cthulhu).

    There are plenty of systems out there to try and I would suggest trying a few of them. DnD is obviously the most popular, but may not fit the type of world / game you prefer.

    • 404name@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      2e has quickly become my favorite system to GM. Soooo much easier. I’m running some PFS scenarios and converted curse of Stradh. Will be starting quest for the frozen flame soon.

      I GMed a game in 5e from level 1 to 7, fully homebrew. It burnt me out. I never knew if an encounter was going to be easy or deadly, things swing so much if you’re not willing to do the math and think ten steps ahead.

      I did some GMing for Pathfinder 1e. That’s a system I prefer to play in, not GM. Ran curse of the Crimson Throne and the player power creep was making it super easy for my players. I had to modify a bunch to not make it a cakewalk for my little power gamers. Ended up essentially re-writing the last book. So pleased at how much easier 2e is.

      • kiithwarrior@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        I’ve never GMed another system tbh. But from what I’ve seen playing DnD5e, I’d never gm that.

        I may try GMing CoC at some point for a change

  • AwkwardTurtle@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m mainly running my own system, Brighter Worlds, which is based on Cairn, Electric Bastionland, and Macchiato Monsters (with plenty of other stuff thrown in). My primary campaign is a big hex crawl in which I have scattered all of the various RPG modules I’ve purchased and want to run, and my players wander around causing problems and knocking down wizard towers (they have a strange vendetta against wizards).

    Because I’m still playtesting the system we often pause the campaign for little 1-3 session games to test out new stuff, or to test my other game Meteor my “I want to play Mothership modules but would rather be using ITO/Cairn mechanics” hack.

    My other group is much more scattered and we do one shots of various stuff constantly, most recently I ran a CBR+PNK one shot that was a ton of fun.