My certificates are in /etc/letsencrypt/live/, and when I trying to start coturn I receiving: “0: : WARNING: cannot find certificate file…” I’m interested, what is the best way to solve this problem?
My certificates are in /etc/letsencrypt/live/, and when I trying to start coturn I receiving: “0: : WARNING: cannot find certificate file…” I’m interested, what is the best way to solve this problem?
Maybe sth like
usermod -a -G letsencrypt coturn
which puts the coturn user in the letsencrypt group. Allowing that user access to files owned by the group. I haven’t checked the names. Maybe the group is called differently, certbot or something. Obviously that grants that coturn user access to all the certificates. You might want to set some directory permissions instead, if you have multiple certificates and don’t want coturn be able to read or mess with certificates of other domains.seems like I have not letsencrypt or certbot group
So who owns the certificate files then? It’s got to be some user and group?! Usually certbot is set up in some way to fetch and renew the certificates periodically. You might want to take the other advice and check the file permissions first and find out who owns them.
root owns all certificates
either create a cert group and give that group permission to the certs, or add a handler to distribute the cert+key on renew to your service’s folder, and change owner/group to whats relevant to the service
Note: the “live” folder only contains links to the archive folder
-rw-rwxr-- 1 root certgroup 2864 Jul 14 01:07 fullchain1.pem -rw-rwxr-- 1 root certgroup 241 Jul 14 01:07 privkey1.pem
What if I have such permissions, but coturn still can’t access to files?
First of all you’d need to make sure that coturn is in the “certgroup” group. Or it won’t help.
Secondly, those are just the two files. “certgroup” might still be unable to open them if the directory permissions don’t allow opening the directory in the first place. And we can’t tell from just the two lines. Make sure all the parent directories also allow traversing to that location. “rX” are required to read and open a directory.
However text files shouldn’t have execute permissions. And you’ve set “rwx” for the group. That doesn’t break anything, but “rw-” would be the 100% correct choice there. And other accounts shouldn’t have read permissions on the private key. That should be “rw-rw----”
(I’m not sure why you have to do all of that stuff manually… Lot’s of frameworks or operating systems come with letsencrypt/certbot and some sane default settings. If your way of doing things doesn’t work out, you might want to read a tutorial for your operating system or consider a more standard approach.)
What if I created new directory and copy one of certificate there(manually, using nano), then I gave all permissions to folder and this certificate, but coturn still can’t access this cert?
Same things would apply as I lined out earlier. You’d also need to pay attention to the parent directory of that directory (and maybe parents of those). And check if coturn is actually running as that user and/or group.
You might just (for testing) grant all permissions on the files. Put them into a directory that you’re 100% sure coturn can access. Like one of Coturn’s own directories. And then chmod 666 both files and give them the same user and group as coturn’s own config file has. If that doesn’t work, it’s not the permissions.
And read the actual error message again. Make sure it says “permission denied”. Make sure the filename in the error message is the exact filename. To rule out other errors or a typo.