My Lemmy app updated today and broke image posting. This is my first ever post from the webui and I hate it.

That is all. (I’m smoking weed about it)

    3 months ago

    Ehhh, like I said, the police problem is real, and there’s no way around that. The system isn’t truly broken, the system is working as intended, just not as we were taught it was supposed to be.

    But there are people working as cops that are good people and wouldn’t stand by, much less participate in the kind of murder that happened with George Floyd and thousands of others.

    The ones that would stand up, and stop something like that are rare. Too damn rare. But they do exist. ACAB doesn’t mean all cops are sociopaths.

    The ugly truth is that the good people that become cops don’t last long. They quit because they can’t change things. But there are people that try. They exist.

    Man, I’m a left wing, bleeding heart, semi-socialist that dreams of an actual revolution to fix the mess that the U.S., and the world, is in. We need change before things devolve even worse, on so many levels. I’ve even advocated for armed revolution because there are a ton of cops that would kill people for nothing.

    But it just isn’t realistic to assume that every single human being in the system is inhuman. It also isn’t useful.

    Hamid, I know you’re a good guy, at least as much as you can know anyone online. Don’t lose all hope. Don’t fall into the trap of blanket assumptions of evil. I’m a major misanthrope, so I get where you’re coming from. Most humans are horrible on some level or another. Even if it’s only by complacency and ignorance, most people are part of the problem that’s represented by the police problem.

    But we, humans, aren’t all evil, all the time. There are good people inside the system, trying hard not to lose hope themselves. There are good people out here in the world trying to navigate the system without getting sucked down by it. Our real hope is to try our best to lift each other up.