Solved crime.
That’s just death sentence with extra steps…
Actually fewer steps as they wouldn’t care about an appeals process.
Does petty crime that warrants the death penalty, and gets confronted while committing said crime:
Whelp, I’m facing the death penalty if I surrender or get subdued, so I might as well fight to the death, take hostages- anything really, as an alternative to certain death.
Leaves multiple casualties while fighting to the death.
The Death God always wins.
Not at crime reduction.
Death God plays the long game.
Death God needs a better spokesperson, that can do more than sidestep criticism.
This assumes that every prisoner has committed a crime and that the police do more to get at the truth than they do to close cases. Looking at history, these are really bad assumptions to make.
Just gonna fling an extra spanner into your already great job of crunching gears; lawful != moral or just
Op discovers fascism
Are you sure about that?
Do we have to wear the dumb clothes, too?
Unless you include sacrifice in your “crime” statistic.
This is more an illustration about how language can be used deceptively to hide the truth, rather than a method of reducing acts of malice/destruction.
But the crime already happened at that point.
Nothing in the real analog world is Boolean. Take the time to learn about the Platonic definition of sophism. This is a major blind spot in modern sociopolitical culture. A sophist is someone who can make any argument seem legitimate from any angle and does so for their own gain. Anyone that can really spot sophists is also capable of sophism. You should never trust government because it is impossible to absolutely know who is or is not a sophist. All we can do is apply independent thought and reason to spot when someone is playing the sophist spin doctor. Any time you give absolute power over life and death to system capable of sophism, you will eventually find a scenario where the least ethical sophist dominates everyone. The best possible government is one that acknowledges sophism by limiting Boolean powers over any aspect of life. Everyone is a criminal because the word has no definitive Boolean answer possible. While you’ve read this, your immune system ruthlessly killed millions of innocent lives. Those lives deserve justice. Your immune system must be held accountable to Death God. Wait…