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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/Echoherb on 2024-07-01 13:39:51+00:00.

I haven’t really had much interest in gaming lately. I’m nearing my 40s and just haven’t had the motivation to finish anything. Well recently I don’t think I’ve had this much fun with gaming since I was a kid. I usually go for indie games platformers, jrpgs, stuff like stardew valley and that kind of stuff, I’m a very simple man, but the deck, the portability, and being able to buy so many cheap but amazing games to play on such an amazing system really makes me feel like I did when I was younger. I can’t spend all day playing like I did back then, and the days feel shorter and of course the responsibilities never stop, but thanks to the steam deck I feel like I’ve gotten back something I haven’t really had since childhood. Anyway just wanted say that and wondering if anyone had a similar experience after getting the deck.