So, finished RoW, I did not read the halfs (yet?) Edgedencer & Dawnshard - instead I cheated a bit and looked up the summary for these (Dawnshard mainly) as I was too hungry for more “spice” of the SA story so I wanted to continue with next SA book straight away. I did read all of the current Mistborn series we have before SA though about a year or something ago

So I do have some notion about the...

shards, investiture and stuff but… I am still confused how the Cosmere magic works in general - I know that magic (Investiture) is different for each planet/system of the Cosmere and guessing it has something to do with the specific shards of that system… ?


Well, if anyone wants to chime in with pointers I would be very thankful!
Meanwhile I will be scouring the wiki and WoBs to get a better picture.

  • taaz@biglemmowski.winOP
    3 months ago

    *grunts* I should not have read SA so fast (according to the receipt, it’s exactly month and two days).

    Thank you both @[email protected] and @[email protected] for the explanations.
    I feel like one of the ten fools!

    I will have to read it all again. Seems I’ve missed some key details in both MB and SA as I have hard times connecting some of the stuff you have mentioned to what I am pretty sure I should already know.
    Also should have read SA in my native language.
    And and should have read Mistborn: Secret History …

    On the bright side, now I don’t have to worry what to read (the whole) next year, will probably wait for WaT to release in December and start with everything again. Thanks again though!