• glitchdx@lemmy.world
    19 hours ago

    I didn’t know biden was this far gone. We’re so fucked. the DNC is such a shitshow, they’ll refuse to nominate anyone else, and the debates prove he doesn’t have a chance.

    If trump wins the election, democracy in the western world is dead. The DNC needs to pull their collective heads out of their collective asses and figure this shit out real fucking fast.

  • notanaltaccount@lemmy.world
    23 hours ago

    The conspiracy theorists all say Joe is supposed to step down and Gavin Newsom somehow is added to the ticket which then will win. These conspiracy theorists also say that candidates are selected in advanced by the powers that be and it’s all pagentry to deceive the gullible masses. Perhaps you are supposed to feel this way as part of the pagentry?

  • Eyck_of_denesle@lemmy.zip
    1 day ago

    Been saying this. Biden is not up to the mark at all. Not an American but you can’t count on an old man. I don’t want trump bad comments I know. That’s why it’s important to have a better Candidate. Who selects their Candidates? Im not that deeply educated on American electoral process. Also alienating your opposition is not a good strategy, but a lot of people on lemmy insist on it for some reason. Don’t want a world war, so please do something and get a better leader.

  • demizerone@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Jack Johnson vs Johnson Jack

    We’re done. Vote democrat all you want, the people in the swing states vote for people that help them, and so far they are looking at Trump.

    I am in SF Bay Area in CA, like literally the 4th largest economy in the world, my vote is worthless.

  • peteypete420@sh.itjust.works
    2 days ago

    Troofs. Yea I’ll hafta vote Democrat cause holy fuck look at what republican means right now(also for as long as I was voting age). And while I want to just throw my vote away and vote third party because fuck both parties… I do live in somewhat important not necessarily decided state. (Iirc pa went Trump in 2016 but Biden in 2020).

    I forget the term for it, but fuck that thing that makes political bribes legal in the US. Fuck gerrymandering. And most of all fuck this two party system where both parties are owned, fucking outright, by companies and oligarchs and foreign influences.

  • werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    It’s not Joe. It’s the fact that he’s old, and Trump is old, stupid and a criminal felon. And we have no other choice? Out of the several hundreds of millions of Americans we get these two and that’s it? How come no one else wants the job?

    I will choose Biden 1000000000 times over Trumpfus. With Biden, China is what it is, an economical frienemy. With Trump they are our best friends and so on and so forth if they just give Trump tickets to the Padres game or something. No question, Biden. But if a piece of cheese 🧀🍕 was running and it could talk, I would vote cheese all the way!

  • melisdrawing@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Trying to watch that mess felt like listening to my schizophrenic relative explain her dream: Not fucking worth getting invested. Still voting against Trump but jeeze, this sure isn’t helping the case for our electoral system. Giant douche or Turd sandwich would literally be more compelling.