No link here; we’re getting new decisions at the rate one expects from late June, and there are still far larger ones to drop, including regarding Trump’s claim of absolute immunity. No one is going to be talking about Idaho once we get that.

We get the big decisions at this point in the term, but I’m surprised by A) how reality-based some of these have been and B) fealty so far is not an issue. Do we have a corruption problem? Sure … but these decisions don’t reflect that.

We may have some Souters on our hands. To be frank, the biggest shock to me from this term has been Kavanaugh, though Barrett has also been surprising.

    4 months ago

    When Barrett was nominated, my comment was, “she is the kind of woman that would vote to make herself chattel.” Anything even remotely rational from her is a win. Historically, the Court has had a tendency to make justices more liberal. They’re generally smart people and exposure to well argued positions does tend to make you think.

    Of course Thomas is out there besmirching the entire legal profession with his shameless acceptance of graft. I wonder if he lets Harlan refer to him as “boy.”