That’s just the way you write the rules being deprecated, not the functionality.
I didn’t say that it is impossible to do it, just that after I read the documentation it told me that.
Something that I couldn’t even find in the documentation was how to do several actions with one keybind, on i3 each action is separated by a comma and you can assign variables to them, for example:
In english that is move the focused window to workspace 1, focus workspace 1 and send a notification of the current workspace (the last one is for some visual feedback).
### Multiple binds to one key [](
You can trigger multiple actions with one keybind by assigning multiple binds to one combination, e.g.:
# to switch between windows in a floating workspace
bind = SUPER,Tab,cyclenext, # change focus to another window
bind = SUPER,Tab,bringactivetotop, # bring it to the top
The keybinds will be executed in the order they were created. (top to bottom)
I didn’t say that it is impossible to do it, just that after I read the documentation it told me that.
Something that I couldn’t even find in the documentation was how to do several actions with one keybind, on i3 each action is separated by a comma and you can assign variables to them, for example:
Which means:
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Mod2+KP_1 move container to WorkSpace "1", WorkSpace "1", --no-startup-id dunstify -r 33 -t 600 "$WS1"
In english that is move the focused window to workspace 1, focus workspace 1 and send a notification of the current workspace (the last one is for some visual feedback).
### Multiple binds to one key []( You can trigger multiple actions with one keybind by assigning multiple binds to one combination, e.g.: # to switch between windows in a floating workspace bind = SUPER,Tab,cyclenext, # change focus to another window bind = SUPER,Tab,bringactivetotop, # bring it to the top The keybinds will be executed in the order they were created. (top to bottom)
Oh it’s done by assigning the same keybind to each action.
That will likeky make my config 1000 lines long 😅