I’m looking to keep a gnss on me when going on hikes and walks around parks, etc., so that I can upload the traces to OSM. Anyone have any recommendations for a good GNSS for this purpose? I’ve been looking for the most accurate one I can, but is it really worth it to find something as precise as possible? Or do small errors not matter as much?

  • stalker@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    If you are looking to get data on your route (speed, distance), regular gps will do, errors are not high, as these error cancel each other usually. If you plan mapping for OSM - also really not worth it, as OSM is generally not more precise than 2-5m. I have dual-frequency phone and I am not impressed (accuracy is bit better, but I didn’t have wow effect). If I choose again, I would optimize my purchase for battery life (far more important in nature:D)