• Whirlybird
    1 year ago

    To use the current issue, no one is calling for violence against trans people though. That’s just something the trans advocate groups are pretending is happening so they can call for violence against “terfs”, as we’ve seen many times at women’s rights rally’s. It’s not the “terfs” bashing people, it’s the “allies” and “advocates”.

    We only ask that you don’t interfere with our enjoyment

    The irony is delicious. Biological women are asking that biological men don’t interfere with their enjoyment in sports, bathrooms, gyms, etc yet being told they’re transphobic nazi bigots.

    No one is calling for the death of your people. This is a far left tactic as old as time - pretend and straight up lie that everyone else is attacking them so they can go on the offence themselves.

    As I’ve said many times - if you find something offensive, ignore it and/or don’t engage with the person saying it. Block them. The answer to someone saying something you don’t like should never be to prevent them from saying it. That’s literal textbook fascism.

    • luciferofastora@discuss.online
      1 year ago

      No, if I find something offensive, I will combat it. Because the other side does the same, banning dissenting voices in their spaces, calling for violence against the libs and such.

      I’ll not engage the transphobia point because it’s a reductionist take that strips context to make strawmen fit.

      You’re projecting pretty badly here, and since you keep using the suppression of differing opinions as qualifying trait to consider people fascists, I’m guessing the systematic killing of ethnic and sexual minorities seems like the lesser of their evils to you?

      • Whirlybird
        1 year ago

        Combat it with words, not with crying for censorship.

        😂 there you go are just calling differing opinions “transphobia”, like clockwork. “You lesbians will suck my girl penis or you’re transphobic!”. “If you girls want to win medals then why don’t you just smash your sports records with ease like I, the hulking 6’3” jacked woman who went through male puberty, did?”

        You won’t engage because you know I’m right. You have no response. You know women’s rights are being eroded, you just don’t care because it benefits you, a male.

        Where is this supposed systematic genocide of trans people happening? How many trans people have the government rounded up and murdered this year? Last year?

        I look forward to more deflecting and playing the “I won’t engage” card 😂. It’s all you’ve got.

        • luciferofastora@discuss.online
          1 year ago

          Meanwhile, you’ve been cheerfully dodging all the directly pertinent things like conservative platforms and spaces deleting opposing voices or disabling comments entirely, cries to “kill the X” where X is anything from libs to slurs and right wing acts of violence like shooting up clubs, churches, or storming the congress because your favourite TV show host no longer get to use the POTUS twitter to commit acts of stochastic terrorism.

          But sure, not fighting strawmen designed to scare the gullible into fear of the “other” is the real fault. Nevermind the gross misrepresentation of what we mean by hate speech. “You won’t let me use slurs, you’re literally Hitler!”

          The systematic persecution of jews started out with an increasing tide of hatred, misinformation and propaganda against them. We don’t need to wait until isolated acts become a systematic pattern to see the signs on the wall and try to fight them before it comes to that point.

          Nobody sane thinks that forcing people to suck your cock is anything but rape, and in the famous case of a trans woman setting weight lifting records, she was competing in the male category. You’re getting mad over nothing and turning a blind eye to actual deception.

          • Whirlybird
            1 year ago

            I haven’t dodged anything. Have you asked me anything about any of these platforms? I don’t go on any of them. I have a twitter account with about 8 tweets over 10+ years, a Facebook account with even less posts over 20 years, an Instagram account with about the same, and a Lemmy account. Feel free to actually show me what you’re talking about and ask my thoughts on it though :)

            You’re imagining and almost begging for a genocide that is not happening and never will happen just so you can say you were right. Again - how many trans people have the government systematically rounded up and executed? Zero. Not one. Nil.

            Funny because I wasn’t talking about weightlifting 😂. I was talking about Lia Thomas. The fact that you couldn’t even pick the right time it happened is telling. Also laurel hubbard, the trans woman weightlifter who I assume you’re talking about, competed with women, not men. She broke their world records with warm up lifts.

          • Whirlybird
            1 year ago

            Btw a Canadian trans woman just yesterday broke the national women’s deadlift record. This is the same trans woman that has won 8 out of the 9 events she has entered, often out lifting the second place taker by 40%. You read that right - the best lift in an entire event by a biological woman in some cases was ~200 pounds. This trans woman then wins with almost 300 pounds.

            Oh and “She” also had the nerve to give an interview asking why all the “other women” are so weak. Yes, you read that right - https://thepostmillennial.com/watch-biological-male-record-holder-in-canadian-womens-powerlifting-complains-about-females-inability-to-lift-more-weight

            At least after a man protested the CPUs transgender Self ID rules and entered and easily obliterated the competition - he is now the Canadian national women’s record holder, stopping the above trans woman from winning, “she” actually had a moment of introspection, questioning “hmm maybe what I’m doing isn’t actually fair when this other man did the same thing and won with ease?”: https://dailycaller.com/2023/03/30/coward-bigot-man-smashes-powerlifting-record-protest-trans-inclusion-womens-sports-canada/