Why are FOSS platforms like Matrix having such a hard time getting users to migrate from Discord? Because of PluralKit.

  • @GrailOP
    33 months ago

    No, I definitely have friends who are allies and who care about accessibility for their friends.

    • @[email protected]
      263 months ago

      Sure, but that doesn’t mean Discord’s “secret weapon” has anything to do with PluralKit specifically.

      Discord is popular compared to both commercial competitors and eg. FOSS projects like Matrix because of a variety of different factors, usability being one of the biggest ones. Accessibility may well be a factor (even a big one), but attributing all of that to just PluralKit honestly seems a bit short-sighted

    • @[email protected]
      123 months ago

      You are certainly not wrong, but I think even if you add up all people with multiple personalities + their friends willing to stick with Discord due to Pluralkit, I would be very surprised if you’d be within less than 4 digits after the comma percentage-wise.

      I think @Kangie was mostly responding to the clickbaity title of it being Discord’s “secret weapon” to keep everyone on the platform when no, it just would not matter. It’s like Mastodon and Twitter. The people who really, truly care are already on Mastodon and the rest is where the biggest community is.

    • RandoCalrandian
      13 months ago

      Do you have enough of them to even moderately compare to discords user base?

      Because that is what the article is saying keeps most users on discord

      • @GrailOP
        3 months ago

        I think it’s a nexus effect. For every plural user who needs plurakit, there are dozens of allies who know that pluralkit is necessary. Those dozens of allies are on dozens of other servers, applying pressure to stay on Discord. So even if plural users are only 1% of the population, the number of servers influenced by plural accessibility is many times that. Those influence the rest, and everyone agrees to stay on Discord. There are lots of other effects present as well, but this is the “secret weapon” that Matrix needs to get right in addition to all the obvious things people already know about.

        • RandoCalrandian
          13 months ago

          This is an incredible amount of self delusion.

          People do not choose services for themselves based on what is most convenient to you (or your tiny community)

          You aren’t special. No one is.

          • @GrailOP
            13 months ago

            I think there are allies who care about accessibility for marginalised people. I don’t think everyone in the world is making decisions based purely on their own self benefit.

            • RandoCalrandian
              13 months ago

              Then you need to grow up (harsh, I know) because even those allies are only allies because they’ve decided being so is in their benefit.

              There are no selfless actions, only the attribution of such by other selfish bastards happy about the decision

              • @GrailOP
                13 months ago

                Oh, is your username saying you’re a Randian? As in Ayn Rand? Is that why you don’t believe there’s any nice people in the world?

                • RandoCalrandian
                  3 months ago

                  lol, nice is subjective

                  Should you still think it’s nice after finding out they use being an “ally” as a mental excuse to be a shit person at all other times? Not calling anyone out, that’s well documented human behavior.

                  And Randian was from random, as in a rando whose words should only be judged on what they say, not who is saying them.

                  Haven’t actually read Atlas Shrugged or any of her other works, so your association is honestly really funny 😂

                  …but yes, nice people don’t exist. Only stupid monkeys who like to think of themselves as nice

                  (Edit: actually, you bring up a really interesting point, as my entire lemmy identity is based on not caring who is posting and instead focusing on what was said, and the bot being discussed is all about changing who is on the label of what is said to change the context about it 😂 you’re right, we may just never get along)