In a bad-vibes moment, they’re denying a huge outlet like IGN a review code. No matter what I think of IGN in particular (nothing good tbh), that’s not something I can find a real explanation for other than “We made DC’s Gollum and want to avoid bad press as long as we can”.

  • Whirlybird
    8 months ago

    And those reviews have to come from the people who bought the game on day 1 especially if review copies aren’t given. Crazy, I know. So someone has to bite the bullet to actually say what a game is like.

    Yeah, the people and companies who review games for a living.

    Again really, are you pointlessly supporting the act that corps will just hide their game’s dirty laundry until launch day

    I’m not supporting it at all, I’m simply saying that if you’re of even average intelligence it shouldn’t make any difference what they do.