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  • ZagorathOP
    11 months ago

    Cr Johnston points out that Labor has repeatedly tried to bring this motion back off the table in the 5 months since the motion was first tabled, and the LNP has repeatedly voted them down. 5 weeks ago the federal bill was ironed out and we have known what it will look at, and even after that the LNP has refused to allow debate on it here.

    The Deputy Mayor’s amendment today before us is completely dishonest. … It wants to say "we note that the housing fund is there, but until you tell us what we’re getting out of it we don’t want to see it. We don’t really care about it. We don’t care if it helps people in the Gold Coast or Logan or Redlands or Cairns or Townsville or Mt Isa … we don’t care about those people. We only live in a community where what the LNP wants in Brisbane City Council matters, but for everybody else, we don’t care.

    Well, not only am I part of a community here in Brisbane, I am part of a state and a country that wants to make good polciy decisions for people. Investing more money in social and affordable housing is critical. And all this Deputy Mayor wants to do is hold out her hand and say “what’s in it for me? And if there’s nothing in it for me, I don’t want any part of it.” That’s what the LNP are like here in Brisbane.

    that’s what they’re like. Not good policy. Not good planning. Not working in a cooperative way to make sure that this city and its residents, and the other people of the state and the country we live in are going to be supported, but playing politics, “what’s in it for me?” That is dishonest.

    • lordriffington
      11 months ago

      That’s what the LNP are like here in Brisbane everywhere.

      Fixed that for her.

    • ZagorathOP
      11 months ago

      Cr Johnston further criticises the LNP for the fact that their TLPI in the Kurilpa precinct didn’t include any affordable housing until the state government forced them to. The Deputy Mayor tries to get her silenced through the chair, saying it’s “impugning motive” and “misleading the chamber”. The LNP clearly doesn’t support social and affordable housing, Cr Johnston says.