Frightened by the prospect of US security disengagement and three years of Moscow's war against Ukraine, European countries are debating reinstating compulsory military service to boost their defences…
Who said I’m wallowing, I just understand the system I live under. The only thing that’s sad here is that a grown ass adult doesn’t understand how capitalism works.
Is this what you do with your life? Just wallow without hope and capitulate to whoever has the biggest dong? Sad, man. Very sad.
Catch me outside firing on ANY oligarch
Who said I’m wallowing, I just understand the system I live under. The only thing that’s sad here is that a grown ass adult doesn’t understand how capitalism works.
No. The only thing that’s sad is you think I don’t know how capatalism or oligarchy for that matter, works
The world changes. Empires come and go but their are countries were heavy social leaning governments are running things just fine.
When YOU think you understand and YOU sit back and do nothing is when YOU become part of the system you so heavily did nothing to reject.
Grow up. Sometimes blood needs to be spilled.
Thank you for providing an example of a person suffering from Dunning-Kruger effect.
I don’t think YOU know what that means.