The shitshow in the Whitehouse yesterday really brought it to light - the U.S. can no longer be trusted with our secrets. Its time to leave 5 eyes. I would create a new intelligence sharing union with the other 3 members, on condition that they also leave. Inviting France and other EU states might also make sense.
Wow, this is like the country level of justifying staying with an abuser. If the USA is unreliable and insecure, because of trumps, but more because the American people voted him in and their government sees fit not to prevent the kind of issues he’s causing. Then it’s better to leave and face consequences, and retaliate appropriately now, than suffer and still face those same consequences later.
No, it isn’t, because the first thing I said was:
And the rest of my comment simply pointed out that it would be complex and risky - which is true.