Today, the National Security Agency (NSA) is planning a "Big Delete" of websites and internal network content that contain any of 27 banned words, including "privilege," "bias," and "inclusion." The "Big Delete," according to an NSA source and internal correspondence reviewed by Popular Information, is creating unintended consequences.
Unintended consequences??? But thus far all the trusk policies have been so well thought out and flawlessly executed!
Who knew that the fall of Yankeestan would be so delightfully absurd.
I lived there through the Obama years, and saw the hope so many had that the future would be brighter. I also saw the right wing driven to insanity by the audacity of their fellow countrymen voting for a black president. They’ll never forgive that offence. And they’re going to fight to the death to make sure it never happens again. No matter how badly trusk fuck the country, it will always be acceptable to them, because at least they’re not black or a woman.