Please note this is just a beta and there are going to be bugs, but it works and it works nicely. Have fun.

  • shirro
    2 years ago

    Gave it a look. Seemed very featureful but didn’t immediately click for me. I was a Relay Pro user for years and I guess that would be the nostalgic choice if it was ported. It might not be the hipster pick but I really like the simplicity of Jerboa currently but more choice is better.

    My phone settings use slightly larger text than default and Sync out of box was smaller than I would prefer. I found the font settings easy enough but the options were a bit excessive for my tastes but would appeal to many

    The remove ads option isnt unreasonable considering it is a one off payment for a relatively low volume app. With other financial commitments I can’t justify it over the excellent open source alternatives for my use at this time and I don’t do ad supported software so I uninstalled. I will try it again on a tablet though as that might give it more of an edge.