It’s getting hotter. If your circumstances let you now might be the time to consider irrigation, drought resistant plants, and mulch. And maybe some wildlife water!

What do you have planned for your landscape, pots, patch, window box - or even the lone houseplant/cactus in your apartment?

  • melbaboutownOP
    2 months ago

    My zucchinis are still playing funny buggers with the ratio of male to female flowers and I’m having to hand pollinate. There’s a couple of fruits though 🤞

    The golden gem pumpkins have sprouted and the seedlings are getting bigger. The jack be little pumpkins are more reluctant.

    The cherry tomatoes are growing bigger and fruiting but one is stunted with black spot so everything got some organic fungicide spray.

    The annual flowers I’m growing for pollinators are a mixed bag but drought tolerant once they get going so hopefully a few survive.

    I wish I had more space and had better accommodation to offer than some slightly too small unmulched plastic pots but it is what it is :(