You are now morally obligated to invest all of your money, then. What’s the worst that could happen, someone invents the solution to all of our problems and you’re poor?
The first big player I came across in desalination and/or reverse osmosis is Pure Aqua, but it’s a private company. Is there a publicly traded one you’re eyeing? Or did I misinterpret and you meant get a desalination machine?
Desalination plants go brrrr.
Invest today, this is financial advice.
They’ll invent a super cheap, efficient, practical desalination process that also pulls CO2 right after I invest.
You are now morally obligated to invest all of your money, then. What’s the worst that could happen, someone invents the solution to all of our problems and you’re poor?
It’s Saturday!
The first big player I came across in desalination and/or reverse osmosis is Pure Aqua, but it’s a private company. Is there a publicly traded one you’re eyeing? Or did I misinterpret and you meant get a desalination machine?