Big update as always. I’m interested in seeing the new cel shading on characters.

  • Ilandar
    3 hours ago

    I played a few games on her last night. She definitely felt a lot stronger with the fire rate and flight time changes but it did feel like the souls sharing wasn’t as impactful. I had one game where I had 14 kills in the first 13 minutes but, aside from creating some space on the map and helping to take a couple of objectives, those kills ultimately didn’t translate to a meaningful advantage for my team. Part of that was definitely just the fact that our team had 4 useless players on it and it was basically myself and this cracked Grey Talon hard carrying. But also, like you predicted, the enemy team organised themselves and started hard focusing me in every fight after that big opening kill streak which limited my effectiveness for the rest of the game (I went 10/5 after the 14/0 opening). I feel like maybe previously those early kills would have made given my team more momentum than they did in that game. But it was only one game that stood out so maybe it was just a bad one. Overall she does feel more viable as a carry than she did prior to this patch.