I’m not interested in what the dictionary says or a textbook definition I’m interested in your personal distinction between the two ideas. How do you decide to put an idea in one category versus the other? I’m not interested in the abstract concepts like ‘objective truth’ I want to know how it works in real life for you.

  • Railison
    1 month ago

    I think this is a really interesting question. To me, if I hear a claim, I might say I accept it as knowledge or believe it as a worldview.

    For example, I get irked by people asking if I “believe” in climate change. To me, it’s not a matter of belief: there is a body of knowledge being scrutinised by extraordinarily smart and talented people. I accept the existence of and need to mitigate climate change.

    On the other hand, do I believe we’re not alone in the universe? I can’t rely on knowledge, it’s a lot of intuition.

    • multifariace@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I have seen a lot of scientific evidence that shows how life can form from natural processes. Using that and my understanding of evolution, I have little doubt that there is life on other planets. I’m also convinced that there exists what we would call intelligent life on other planets. When it comes to life that can traverse the universe I hesitate to have any confidense. If we find it to be possible, with warp technology or wormholes, then I will assume it could have been discovered somewhere else as well. The biggest hold up I have for such advanced species is the tendency for extinction from societal competition or extraplanetary forces from asteroids to star death.