Politics is downstream from culture, as Andrew Breitbart once said.

  • Whirlybird
    1 year ago

    If by “conservative talking points” You just actually mean “actual real questions that need to be asked and points that need to be raised” I guess they are. I’m not a “conservative” btw.

    No, a 16 year old should not be getting life altering drugs or surgery for “gender dysphoria”.

    who decides when the drugs are safe

    The regulatory bodies like the FDA for a start.

    because there is no need for a 10 year old to get a tattoo

    Just like there’s no need for them to be developmentally stunting themselves and likely sterilising themselves and subjecting themselves to life long problems over something that they don’t have the mental capacity to understand.

    If a person can’t be trusted to vote, drink, drive, get a tattoo, or any other number of things that society has deemed kids aren’t allowed to do, there should be no way they are allowed to mutilate their bodies and/or cause permanent life long damage with drugs.

    Trans people aren’t “fighting to exist”. People just don’t want trans people encouraging kids to get surgery and drugs, and they don’t want them in the opposite sex-specific spaces and sports.

    You’re right, we do seem to agree on a lot and I’m thankful for the actual conversation where you didn’t just jump to telling nazi/bigot/transphobe.

    I completely disagreed with you saying puberty blockers are completely reversible though, as I’ve said already. A 16 year old boy that has been on puberty blockers since they were 10 root examples is going to have a micro penis that will never grow to full size, they’ll be short, their voice will be high pitched, and that’s going to make life a hell of a lot worse for them. Those things aren’t reversible.

    I have no doubt that in 10 years time puberty blockers are going to be illegal for “gender dysphoria” and there are going to be a lot of lawsuits by adults that should not have been put on them in the first place as children.

    There are studies that show that 90%+ of children with “gender dysphoria” if left alone grow out of it. That should be evidence enough that kids need to be outlawed from these drugs and surgeries.



    • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
      1 year ago

      Then I think we mostly agree on trans rights as an issue, and that’s something that both sides are telling us that we disagree on.

      I agree with you about being nervous about the drugs and surgury, and already gave my opinion on how I personally would handle it. To me, it should be a decision between a doctor, parent, and child, I just don’t see how the government needs to be involved beyond saying “yes or no they are safe or not”. Personally though, any life-altering forever things I’d probably hold off until 18 as a parent, just like I said “I want you (child) to fully understand what is going to happen to you before you commit your life to it.”

      From what I’ve read, for the most part the drugs are not as bad as you are making them out to be. It may be a good time for both of us to research how the other side uses/understands the drugs. I’m going to do some honest research into the dangers of them, will you do the same and also look up the positive impacts too? I honestly think we’ve both learned something and can take something away from this thread, and hey, a bit better then reddit arguments lol

      • Whirlybird
        1 year ago

        The only benefits of puberty blockers are emotional/mental, which unfortunately is hard to quantify.

        I’m always up for learning though so I will look at it from the other perspective and give it a go.

        Cheers for the healthy conversation!