• ZagorathOPM
    7 months ago

    Speed climbing is an interesting event. I’m not really a climber, but I’ve been climbing a few times and enjoyed it every time I did. I’d honestly like to try out speed climbing just for the fun of it—I think I’d be lucky to get under a minute though tbh, when these ladies are all getting under 10 seconds even for the slowest of them.

    Unfortunately, any time I’ve been to a climbing gym, they haven’t had a speed climbing wall. Not that my sample size is very large, but asking climbers I know about places they’ve been, they apparently don’t have speed climbing walls either. Kind of a shame. Especially around the Olympics, you’d think it’d be a thing they’d want to give people a chance to try out.

    • Squirrelsdrivemenuts@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      The speed wall is more difficult than you think. Most average climbers would not make it to the top. That also makes it a waste of a lot of wall space in a commercial gym which serves mostly average climbers unfortunately.