Another article on Miyawaki, mostly positive despite the clickbait title. Has some pics and more of the history behind the method. Summary below:

  • Miyawaki forests are a technique pioneered in Japan that aims to rapidly regenerate diverse, multilayered native woodlands.

  • The method involves densely planting native species to recreate complex natural forests in a shortened timespan. Miyawaki forests have spread globally as a restoration technique.

  • Supporters praise the forests’ ability to quickly sequester carbon, boost biodiversity, and revitalize degraded land. Critics argue they lack long-term viability if not properly maintained.

  • Concerns include reliance on irrigation, use of non-local species, and focus on speed over ecosystem function. More research is needed on if Miyawaki forests provide ecological benefits akin to natural regeneration.

  • While Miyawaki forests show some promise for urban areas, some experts recommend approaches that work with natural succession and site conditions over the long term.

  • Treevan 🇦🇺OP
    11 months ago

    I wrote a little here. You can see a photo I stole from an article.

    Thinning is a number of things. Brutalising through pollard or lopping, ringbark, cutting low once canopy established which tends to finish off the eoicormic/coppice shoots.