Not my video

  • ZagorathOP
    1 year ago

    No, that’s a completely fair criticism. The original uploader shared the post on Reddit with the title “Why they might not keep all the way left - This never happens if I take the lane”, which was probably a better choice.

    I think my thinking was (and this is meant as explanation, not excuse—also note that this was certainly not a conscious thought process, but is my attempt at explaining what I suspect was the unconscious reasoning):

    1. It’s generally better not to editorialise: stick with the original title unless extra context is vital
    2. “[This is] why you don’t keep left” is a pretty good shortened form of that more detailed explanation, so the extra context was not vital

    And 2 is sorta true. It is a good shortened form of the more detailed explanation…if you’re already well aware of cycling safety best practices like “taking the lane”. Which is, obviously, precisely not the target audience, but I failed to take into account how the target audience might think about it.