I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.…

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s a strawman. We’re not talking about comments. We’re talking about why you removed a post from a reputable source. You’ve said because it was 1) from Pravda (apparently not realizing all Pravda’s are not the same); and 2) because the article used a FB post as a source.

    Just to do a baseline reset here - can we agree that the news article linked to was from a news organization that is generally regarded as reliable, including by the MBFC source your own bot uses? And can we agree that the Facebook post linked to was from the official and verified account of the Ukrainian forces? And that it matches both their website data and other verified social media posts?

  • You’re being overtly combative when I was merely asking for a clarification on your understanding to ensure there wasn’t a miscommunication.

    As I stated in another comment, the source isn’t just “a Facebook post” it’s from the verified and official account of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/share/p/3n2sU1rSuebWeFp4/?mibextid=WC7FNe

    As a mod, is it really your job to second guess sources cited within articles from reputable news sources? Would you have removed the article if it came from the New York Times?

    I greatly respect the amount of work you mods have to do, and understand that it can be incredibly difficult - but from the outside it looks like you saw “Pravda”, assumed it was the Russian Pravda, and deleted the post based on that. I’m not saying that’s what happened, but that’s easily an interpretation someone could arrive at looking from the outside.

  • Cool headline, but ultimately just another call to have people throw their votes to a third-party candidate in protest …which could just lead to Trump’s victory, which the article itself acknowledges would be the worst possible outcome.

    In 2024, Claudia de La Cruz and Karina Garcia are running a socialist campaign for president and vice president of the United States. In the leadup to November and beyond, we must fight the misleadership of both the Republicans and Democrats and build a movement that not only identifies the problems that Black America faces, but proposes real solutions.

    The time to fight the Democratic leadership is unfortunately past, and the only way forward to being able to win going forward is to vote for Harris. Voting for Trump (or casting a third-party candidate, essentially the same thing) is guaranteed to make things much worse.