combat_brandonism [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2023


  • I feel that it’s not responsible (for me at least) to clump both of these groups together.

    I mean that’s sort of my point, in distinguishing open source software (very much not free software in whatever acronym you want to use) from free software. Conflating free software with facebook open sourcing their work to commoditize their complements is misleading I think.

    OP that we’re dunking on here is some open source fetishist that’s never for a second introspected on what “Open Source” means or how it might be distinct from the copyleft movement, and so has wound up in the position of stanning these monopolists and making absurd statements like “open source for market leadership, not monopoly, just leadership”. What no theory does to a mf, basically.

    FOSS vs FLOSS is some RMS pedantic bs and misses the forest for the trees as is usual with him. The randian reactionaries at the open source initiative don’t call their shit FOSS and never talk about freedom. There’s a reason OP is fellating “Open Source” and not “Free Software” here.

    essentially erasing the actual open source folks who started the movement

    Can you elaborate here? I think RMS is a shitty person that doesn’t belong in the position of leadership he’s been given. But “actual open source” sounds suspiciously close to Open Source Initiative, something founded by Randian misogynists like Perens and Raymond well after the copyleft movement had gained traction in order to recuperate compatible parts of free software to better serve capital.