Zodiark [he/him]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2020


  • I’ve commented on your sincereposts and appreciate your candor and humor; I’ve just kind of been surprised at having 1.5k comments so I looked back on them and noticed and recalled that the culture, trend, and site effortpost culture had a different sort of robust and insightful in comparison to 2023’s year.

    I’m still grateful to this site, I only lament decline. I suppose if I were to make an analogue, it’d be the energy of a 17 year old to a 35 year old.

  • You’re not alone. The only people who buy the NYT’s bullshit are Western PMC who have a preexisting ideological kinship with Israel as a political project and extension of US dominance. As @[email protected] pointed out, reading Herzl and early Zionists works and political projects will easily debunk the article.

    The article is a soothing balm, to reference that one redsails article, to these PMC’s in being okay with ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

    Just some things to point out, that despite the overwhelming power and slaughter by Israel and the US, are:

    • There’s a downward trend of people who will believe Israel’s justification and response.

    • People on social media can see the way Israelis broadcast their own mockery of Palestinians with genocidal and dehumanizing fervor.

    • Most people support a ceasefire.

    • Israel supporters in the West already have institutional support but are now having to rely on overt, brazen, and active state repression against pro-Palestine protestors.

    • Social media broadcasts the carnage and aftermath.

    • There are massive demonstrations all over the world.

    • Tensions are escalating across MENA.

    This massacre will either come to a dark conclusion in Gaza, with the expulsion of a majority of Palestinians in Gaza to the Sinai, Iraq, and Turkey, or Palestine will continue to bleed out and endure this violence at Israel’s own ruination. The longer this goes on, the longer Israel’s reputation - in tatters abroad - will be tarnished in the West that intervention and the first sprouts of liberation will manifest.