Tachanka [comrade/them]

The Tervell of Emoji-posting

  • 120 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2022


  • there’s a good quote from Trotsky (yes, bare with me) about how liberals disavow the French revolution and Marxists are the true inheritors of that struggle’s legacy.

    The Great French Revolution was indeed a national revolution. And what is more, within the national framework, the world struggle of the bourgeoisie for domination, for power, and for undivided triumph found its classical expression.

    Jacobinism is now a term of reproach on the lips of all liberal wiseacres. Bourgeois hatred of revolution, its hatred towards the masses, hatred of the force and grandeur of the history that is made in the streets, is concentrated in one cry of indignation and fear – Jacobinism! We, the world army of Communism, have long ago made our historical reckoning with Jacobinism. The whole of the present international proletarian movement was formed and grew strong in the struggle against the traditions of Jacobinism. We subjected its theories to criticism, we exposed its historical limitations, its social contradictoriness, its utopianism, we exposed its phraseology, and broke with its traditions, which for decades had been regarded as the sacred heritage of the revolution.

    But we defend Jacobinism against the attacks, the calumny, and the stupid vituperations of anaemic, phlegmatic liberalism. The bourgeoisie has shamefully betrayed all the traditions of its historical youth, and its present hirelings dishonour the graves of its ancestors and scoff at the ashes of their ideals. The proletariat has taken the honour of the revolutionary past of the bourgeoisie under its protection. The proletariat, however radically it may have, in practice, broken with the revolutionary traditions of the bourgeoisie, nevertheless preserves them, as a sacred heritage of great passions, heroism and initiative, and its heart beats in sympathy with the speeches and acts of the Jacobin Convention.


  • pizza is “miscegenated” (hideous word) by default, if one were to go off of the ridiculous logic of this extremely tortured and racist analogy.

    like let’s break this meme down according to its own awful ideas. What is a pizza? It’s not a whole food like a pineapple, which is the only “racially pure” food in this picture. Pizza is the highly processed and mixed food resulting from the fermentation of yeast into dough, from the fermentation of milk into cheese, from the addition of a whole assortment of toppings ranging from fungus to vegetables to fruits to meats, to even other kinds of cheese like feta. Along comes a pineapple which “marries” a slice of pizza and “gives birth” to a… melted piece of pizza? Ah! But it’s topped with pineapple. that’s the problem. The child is covered in the gore of one of its parents. That is what being mixed race is. I am very intelligent. very-intelligent