Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]

Former long-time lurker of r/CTH. Just want to chat and post with some comrades. Maybe make some some funny comments along the way.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve been looking forward to this project’s realization since seeing the pilot several years ago. I love the potential for world building and lore you can get from the story. I feel this is especially true for designing characters like the sinners, who come from different periods of human history and can each potentially have back stories tied to a different era.

    I have to agree with the others here that the story is moving a bit too fast. I wish there was more time to explore each character and come to a point where they find some resolution as a part of the whole redemption theme.

    I feel the musical numbers might be a bit tarnished by the pacing too, since some of them seem to start rather quickly/abruptly. Still, they are quite enjoyable and have gotten a few of them stuck in my head so far.

    Overall, I feel it has been enjoyable to watch. One part I laughed at recently was the part with Lucifer’s rubber duck collection. It was funny because I used to have an adult cousin who collected rubber ducks just like that.

  • I’m surprised too to hear he supports a ceasefire. At a casual glance, I had come to associate him with the kind of resistance libs that were like “Iraq was bad but, Afghanistan is the good war.” People who never have a comprehensive critique of American imperialism.

    In saying the above comment about museum pieces, I was referring mostly to when he did stuff like the March to Restore Sanity. I used to hear that sort of bipartisanship fetishization during the early Obama years from mainstream liberals as a response to the Tea Party. It was so nauseating, especially as the hindsight piles on. It all just seems about preserving the status quo to me, that is not at going to get any of the reforms that he wants that we might agree with him on.

    I think more people on the lib-left don’t buy into it but, it’s still the default attitude among the geriatric leadership class of the Democratic party.