ReadFanon [any, any]

I suck at replying. If I don’t reply I’m probably struggling with basic communication or my health. Don’t take it personally.

  • 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • So why homeschool your kids then?

    One lion has their mom providing their kid 1:1 tutoring every minute of the day, catering all of their education to the child and thus making them captive and domesticated, setting their expectations for a world which will always attend to their every fleeting whim and one where they rarely experience the world beyond their own house.

    The other lion has to fend for themselves and take on their responsibility of learning in the wilderness of a classroom filled with 20-30 other students who are all competing to get their various needs met in a classroom led by an underpaid, undersupported, underresourced teacher who is burned out and who cannot possibly provide a rich education for all their students.

    Homeschooling is, like, putting a lion in a cage or something. [Insert images here]

  • I have fond memories of drinking myself halfway into a stupor with kava in my younger days which was no mean feat. I’m very keen on the stuff.

    Just make sure that you take a few days break every week if you’re consuming it regularly. Chronic consumers of kava can develop a (reversible) skin condition but you’d need to be drinking it like you’re living on a Pacific island before that’s likely to happen.

    It’s been a while since I’ve dug into the literature on kava but the risk of liver damage is completely overblown - it may cause an elevation in particular liver enzymes, especially with heavy or chronic consumption but there hasn’t been any actual links to liver damage. In countries where kava consumption is commonplace, they tend not to consume the root whole but instead drink the extract from the root using water and so there’s some hypotheses that consuming the root whole rather than just the extract may cause elevated liver enzymes and potentially lead to liver damage so if you’re going to make it a regular thing then I’d veer on the safer side and make an extract the way that it’s traditionally done rather than taking capsules of whole powdered root or something similar like that.

    But, all in all, in regards to safety if you’re consuming it occasionally for recreational purposes the risk is very minimal. We’re talking like less risk than smoking cannabis here.

  • It never comes as a shock to me, but always a disappointment, when the people who say slogans like “Free Hong Kong” are the same ones who give you puzzled looks when you ask them for their opinions about Leonard Peltier or the Wetʼsuwetʼen Nation or Hawaiian sovereignty, let alone who has treaty rights to Mount Rushmore (and all of the Black Hills) or Alcatraz Island, because they’ve never even heard about these matters before.

    It’s real easy to point the finger and make performative demands of some other government but, speaking as a white person living under a settler-colonialist regime in a different part of the world, it’s much harder to reckon with what’s going on in your own backyard, what needs to be done about it, and more importantly what you need to do about it. And I mean truly reckoning with it - just look at this bullshit on Wikipedia, which claims to be objective and free from editorialising:

    Native Americans. On their own lands. Seizing the territory to which they are rightfully and, under the treaties and laws of the settler-colonial regime, legally entitled to. And they are shamelessly slandered as being “occupiers”, by none other than the occupiers themselves.

    If you’re reading this comment, take a minute to really reflect on what this means because Gramscian cultural hegemony is much more powerful than most people realise.

    If you’re not careful, the [media] will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing

    — Malcolm X

  • In my experience there are two main types of anarchists - the ones who are out there getting shit done and the ones who spend their time online engaging in ideological pissing contests or in echo chambers.

    They are wildly different in their disposition and their politics.

    Active anarchists are generally easy to get along with and want to get shit done - whether it’s making life materially better for people who are oppressed or whether it’s wrecking shit up for reactionaries.

    The other type of anarchist is mostly concerned with purity of ideology and praxis, and in finding ways to justify their support for NATO and shit like that. These are often the people who presume that because they personally do not engage in any practical application of their politics that therefore their ideological opponents do not either and they’ll challenge you to describe what action you have been involved in recently (Bruh, I ain’t gonna dox myself and I sure as hell ain’t gonna dox myself in an attempt to impress some dork whose praxis starts and ends with sharing memes.)

    I know I can be a vocal critic of anarchists sometimes but I sincerely appreciate the grass-toucher anarchists because they are a staunch lot. It’s the terminally-online types that rub me up the wrong way though.

  • Pro-tips for making hummus at home:

    Get to your local Indian grocer and buy channa dal.

    What is it? It’s chickpeas that have been split and dehusked. Not only will your chickpeas cook in (ostensibly) half the time, you won’t need to worry about the skins making your hummus lumpy or going to the bother of trying to remove them manually.

    There’s a fair bit of back and forth online about how to make hummus very smooth. Some people align to the ice water blending camp, others to the blend while hot camp. Either way, using a high speed blender is ideal (be cautious about blending hot things in a blender though - all the typical safety warnings apply). I’ll leave it up to whoever bothers to read this to do their own research and figure out what works best for their situation.

    To take it up one notch, apparently besan flour in Turkey is commonly known as instant hummus flour. Besan is readily available in Indian grocers as well. If you blend besan flour with water that has just boiled, you will get very smooth hummus for practically zero effort. I was fiddling around with this before my life went to absolute shit so I never quite nailed it and last time I checked there was no English-language info out there on how to use Besan flour as instant hummus so I didn’t get to figure out the ideal ratio of besan flour to water. I found that an undesirable skin formed on this hummus due to the way that it cooled but this can be prevented by placing cling wrap or similar over the top of your hummus and pressing it down so that there’s no contact with air before it cools. (Also you can use the besan flour to make Burmese “tofu” - it’s super simple to make!)

    If lemons are expensive in your region, sumac is your friend. This spice is a bit more difficult to source as it’s less common but it serves as a really good stand-in for lemon (technically lemon is the stand-in for sumac in West Asian cooking afaik but I digress…) Sourcing citric acid is another alternative and it works quite well too. It’s never going to be the same as freshly squeezed lemon juice but it’s very cheap. You can also use the leftover citric acid to make your own surface cleaning spray which is odor-free and stupidly cheap.

    These are tips that you don’t really find elsewhere, for some reason. I guess I just think about hummus a lot?

  • If it’s anything, there’s a case to be made that Hitler was often a hindrance to the Nazi party efforts and if he got taken out then he might have been replaced by someone more competent and effective. Idk enough to know the truth of that claim but I can see how it could be valid.

    Then there’s all the usual criticisms that come with adventurism (shout out to the RadLib I’m in a discussion with elsewhere who said “Terrorism is based! That’s what we [anarchists] are all about!” - exactly the kind of mentality that had Ukrainian anarchists joining the front at the start of the civil war to oppose fascism and then turning around and joining the fascists - because they were better armed and better organised )

    So what does that leave us with? It’s always the same answer - agitate, educate, organise.

    Fascists, who aren’t of the street gang variety, are typically well organised and well supported. The only viable way of mounting a meaningful resistance to them is by having a strong party, a strong movement, and strong ties to the broader community.

    It’s exceedingly unlikely that there will be a pivot point of history where you can personally stop fascism with a single act. Even more unlikely that you’ll be there at the right time, in the right place, with the right resources. Fascism is a systemic rot, not just the figurehead of a movement.

    And it’s always worth considering that even if you happen to find yourself at a pivot point in history with the right resources, the chips aren’t necessarily going to fall in your favour - arguably the assassination attempt on Bolsonaro brought him mainstream attention and elevated his political career. Reagan polled markedly better after his assassination attempt. I’m not going to armchair quarterback history or anything but often there are unforeseen circumstances and unexpected consequences that come with drastic actions.

  • Lol. Trump is a fascist

    So I think he’s better off in the proto-fascist category tbh but quibbling details aside it’s always worthwhile pulling people up on this because:

    a) If Trump really is a fascist then what resistance did they mount against his administration while he was in power?

    (Which belies their claim that they actually believe he is a fascist and/or that they are opposed to fascism; if Hitler comes to power tomorrow, are you going to write mean-spirited comments bodyshaming him on social media throughout the day and then rest easy in the knowledge that you did your best to resist fascism?)

    b) If they are invoking history—and they are—then they deserve a crash course in the history of the twilight of the Weimar Republic:

    • Hitler wasn’t elected into power, he and his ministers were appointed to essentially all the levers of power in the Weimar Republic, so voting against Hitler wouldn’t have achieved anything.

    • The SPD formed a coalition with the Nazis and Von Hindenburg to establish a government, meaning that the party which was for all intents and purposes much further left than the Democrats are today not only failed to oppose Hitler’s rise to power but they actively facilitated it by being willingly complicit in it (see screenshot below).

    • Prior to the coalition government, the SPD held power in government and used that to crack down on the KPD and the paramilitary arms of the party while letting brownshirts run rampant across Germany, terrorising the people (especially Jewish people, queer people etc.)

    So if their argument is that we need to learn from history to stop fascism, what lessons have they drawn from their investigation of history exactly?
    To vote fascism out? To vote for the fascist-enabler party to prevent fascism from seizing power?

    These people are deeply unserious.