Monk3brain3 [any, he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • It is wild the fear that white Americans have of non whites. They really think equality will mean ending up in matrix style slave pens or something as revenge for the historical atrocities they’ve comitted against non whites. Hate the Brits or French as much as you want, and they are plenty racist I’m sure, but the unique paranoia of minorities in the US is absolutely insane. Are the US racists just fat cowards while in the rest of the world they are racist but just not as cowardly. I don’t have the answer

  • I hate these “scientific” proofs that capitalism, as the pure ideology that it is, is in fact objectively correct and true as our economic system. Because like so much propaganda masquerading as science, even this study was exactly that at its root, even if saying it indirectly.

    Tweak the conditions properly and you can make any stupid ass theory look valid. And economics is the academic study of how to make an insane system of capitalism not look insane but viable. Back in the day we had the village shaman telling us the chief was talking to spirits and the divine leader or some bullshit lol. Now we get Larry summers as our priest king and the invented nobel prize in economics to act as the replacement of divine right as society is more secular