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Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Lowpast@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldMaybe they're onto something
    30 days ago

    The no-poo (no shampoo) movement is very real and definitely works for many people (dependant on hair type and oil secretions). Basically, once you stop washing away your natural oils daily, the production normalizes and then a regular rinse with water and occasionally something like diluted soap, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

    I’ve met them, I was one, I know them. You wouldn’t know unless they told you.

  • The top 1 percent of earners alone pay over one-third of income taxes.

    Accounting for all forms of taxation, they pay roughly 25%.

    Corporations “pay nearly no taxes” is just categorically false. Language matters - some companies avoid paying federal income tax. In these cases, chances are it had a combination of both zero or negative book income and either net operating losses, significant foreign profits, sizable capital investments, or all of the above.

    Of course, it’s also important to remember that federal income taxes aren’t the only taxes corporations pay. Businesses are also liable for state income taxes, payroll taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes, of which are almost entirely unavoidable.

    Empirical studies show that workers (i.e., labor) bear more than 50 percent of the burden of the corporate income tax. How is it possible that workers bear the brunt of a tax they don’t even pay? The key lies in the difference between “legal” tax incidence—who is legally obligated to pay a tax—and what economists call “economic” tax incidence—who indirectly pays for a tax, often in the form of lower wages.

    The higher business taxes are, the higher the cost of investing is and the less likely businsess owners are to invest in things like equipment, buildings, and trainings that will make their staff more productive. And the less productive workers are, the less their employers can afford to pay them in the long run.

    Instead, maybe we look at limiting a companies ability to offshore profits, limit incentives for stock buyback, and adjust how deductions for stock options work.

    Crazy idea, how about we make it easier to pay taxes so companies don’t feel the need to cheat. What if we make it so it’s cheaper to pay federal taxes than it is to avoid them.

  • Back when there were numerous loopholes, deductions, and methods of evasion and nearly none paid that rate? And when they later lowered effective rates, closed loopholes, and ended up collecting more?

    Yeah, let’s do that. Let’s incentive finding ways to avoid paying taxes.

    This is exactly how you give incentives to higher CEO pay. Record profits? Give all of it to the CEO and you’ll pay none of it to the government. You didn’t mention a higher personal tax rate, so end of the day the CEO wins.

    Own an S-Corp? Pass through all profits to yourself and pay 0%.

  • They scrapped gender tests, despite a large majority of female athletes voting to keep them. As a result, there isn’t any regulations from sports controlled by the IOC that prevents anyone competing due to gender/chromosomes.

    The governing bodies for each sport control the rules for their own sport. The IOC has a basic framework, but many sports specifically ban competitors that have DSD that give them unfair advantages. For instance, female competitors must have under 5 mol/L of testosterone in their blood to compete in running events between 400m and 1 mile.

    There is no current governing body for boxing, because the IOC cut ties with the IBA. They put together a temporary group to handle the 2024 Olympics, but if another governing body doesn’t step up for boxing, it will not be included in the 2028 Olympics. The IOC completely failed to protect their female competitors this year and have dropped the ball on this entire issue. They have no rules covering any of this stuff and refuse to handle it in the right way.

    So she is clearly a cis women (AFAB and identifies as a women), but all evidence points she has a XY chromosome AND grew up with elevated testosterone levels.

    Here are the facts we know, minus the conspiracy theories:

    Imane claims to have been born female and has a female birth certificate.

    Imane’s passport lists her as female

    Imane’s coach said that she is so strong that she was injuring the other females in training. She was deemed too dangerous to pair with females and had to be paired with men, as they better matched her strength.

    During a tournament in India, concerns were raised about Imane’s gender by medical staff, trainers, and competitors. This had nothing to do with how she looked. It was purely because of her strength.

    Imane first underwent a karyotype test in 2022. The results came back as XY male. Imane wasn’t immediately disqualified. Both Khelif and Lin submitted to chromosome tests at the May 2022 Women’s World Boxing Championships in Istanbul and again at the March 2023 Women’s World Boxing Championships in New Delhi. Referring to the second tests, the IBA said in a statement issued earlier this week, “The findings were absolutely identical to the first results.”

    The New Delhi test results for each say “chromosome analysis reveals Male karyotype” – with a depiction of XY chromosomes. The lab is CAP-certified and ISO-certified.

    Imane was disqualified following the second tests, and she was apparently shocked and devastated by the decision. Despite having known for nearly a year that she had XY chromosomes.

    These test results are appropriately not public.

    Following her acceptance into the Olympics, the IBA sent a letter to the IOC informing them of their test findings and warning them that it was too dangerous for Imane to compete against females.

    The IOC allowed Imane to compete against women in the Olympics, as their gender inclusion policy is based solely on gender identity, not gender biology. All they cared about was the gender listed on her passport. And apparently gave zero fucks about the safety of other competitors.

    The IOC has never accused the IBA of faking the karyotype tests and has never referred to Imane as a ‘biological woman’.

    The IBA was so upset with the IOC for allowing Imane to compete against females. They travelled to Paris and held a press conference voicing their concerns. They have also awarded compensation to the women with fought Imane.

    Imane and Lim were the only female boxers to win every round at the Olympics. Both are suspected to be males.

    The IOC had to backtrack on a public statement that “this isn’t a DSD case,” correcting it to “this isn’t a transgender case.” This means it most likely is a DSD case.

  • Lifetime chronically poor sleeper here - Look at Andrew Huberman for advice.

    Natural supplements: magnesium threonate, glycine, l-theanine, apigenin. No melatonin.

    Prescription: 50mg Trazadone when things are really bad. Dogs can easily get this drug prescribed :)

    Hygiene: regular sleep time. No phones in bed. Cold room. Improved bedding. If you can’t sleep or wake up in the middle of the night, get out of bed and do -something- that isn’t on a screen for a few minutes. No water near bedtime. No caffeine after noon. Try a white noise machine and a high quality eye mask such Manta.

    10 minutes of sunlight immediately after waking. View the sky before the sun sets. Enable blue light filters using something like Twilight, specially for evening hours. Avoid overhead lights at night and, if possible, at night switch to lights that are lower than your head.

    Regular meditation and breathing exercises. No alcohol within 4 hours of sleep. Don’t eat any food near bed time.

    Get a sleep tracker such as Oura to provide metrics and data on the efficacy of these various methods and to see how your body reacts to timing of stuff like meals, alcohol, supplements, etc.

  • Lowpast@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldDerby, CT road widening
    1 month ago

    I don’t know what sort of copium you’re smoking. I lived in rural Michigan for most of my life. Train is absolutely not a viable mode of transportation for rural America. There’s a reason trains and subways still exist on the east coast of America and in most or Europe, Asia, and south America - they are useful.

    They died out everywhere else because guess what, they are not ideal at all, and the convenience factor of cars is basically unbeatable. Even if we had a high-speed rail connecting our major cities, okay, how do I get to my destination? Another train? What about when I live 35 miles from the city center… another train…? Sounds absolutely atrocious