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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2022


  • China has 1.4 billion people. Do you really think they have the ability and/or need to “squash” protests and prevent any protest from ever happening? No. They have a healthy democracy where people are involved in voicing their opinions, and protesting if it ever comes to that. Please stop ingesting so much xenophobic propaganda and learn more about the countries of which you speak

    First, China literally “squashed” hundreds of protesting students in the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. I encourage you to read the harrowing accounts of survivors about how the military used tanks to grind bodies into the ground and then hose them into the sewers.

    Secondly, China is currently committing ethnic genocide of millions of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

    Lastly, China isn’t a democracy. Elections in China occur under a political system controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), with all candidate nominations pre-approved by the CCP. CCP regulations require members of the People’s Congresses, People’s Governments, and People’s Courts to implement CCP recommendations (including nominations).

    It blows my mind to find someone who speaks so confidently about something they know so little. If you’re so confident in your proposition, why don’t you fly over to China and try a little protest about Xi. I’ve been to China many times. They made the rules clear to me: if I involved myself in anything political I was liable for life in prison or even execution.

  • While true, the left/right axis becomes meaningless if we allow each side to define themselves by only their well-behaved adherents. For example, it would sure be convenient for Republicans in America to claims that Trump isn’t really on the right, and he doesn’t represent their views. In this case, the values embraced by Marx overlap heavily with values often held by people who describe themselves as leftists.

    That said, I actually do think the left/right axis is meaningless. Humans are so much more complex than a reductive spectrum.