Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]

I’m a solo indie dev and I made a whole-ass indie RPG! Please check it out, and tell me what you think!

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 7th, 2021


  • I usually try not to engage in discussions about this stuff (except for once before like years ago), but maybe I’ll indulge a little bit and just say that not only does it make me uncomfortable when I see it, but I also know that it actively turns many people away from ideas of actual leftism when they see it, especially whenever they don’t know how “serious” people are around here when they throw around the cracker-word.

    I’m bi-racial and I don’t have much of a “racial identity” (whatever that’s even supposed to be or look like), so admittedly I always get at least a little uncomfortable when anybody starts talking about their or someone else’s “race”, much the same way I get a little uncomfortable when people start generalizing each other because of their age, their gender, whatever.

    I fully recognize that white privilege is a real thing in western cultures, and that anyone who can be construed as “non-white” is put at a very real disadvantage in many real-world situations (sometimes fatally so), and so because of that I also recognize the urge to undermine the general concept that “white = good / normal” by lashing out against it. But when you call someone who’s open to leftism but doesn’t have a complete understanding of things a “cracker”, for example, you put them down in a way that they usually perceive as intensely bigoted, to the degree that they will stop listening to every single thing you say after that. They’ll leave here, and never take you or anyone associated with whatever they perceive as your ideology seriously again. And I think that’s a big shame, because instead you could be trying to guide them to a more enlightened view of the world.

    Ultimately - regardless of how justified it is by societal conditions - it’s a hateful act, born of hate (often times self-hate), and I don’t feel like that’s in the spirit of communism.

    And, at the end of the day, I am conserving all my hatred for the moment when I personally blow away mr-beast during the revolution.

  • The Isle, which I have almost 2000 hours in because it’s incredibly in-depth despite being extremely unfinished and terribly balanced. It’s fun to run around as a dinosaur. The people who complain about there being nothing to do are absolutely right, but damn if there isn’t something exhilarating about stumbling upon some over-sized prey when it’s pitch black in swamp during a thunderstorm, lightning crashing as I strike from the shadows, bleeding a T-Rex to death.

    Then there’s entire days where I play it and never find any prey.

    Don’t play it.