
Firstly, I just wanted to say a big thank you for showing some interest in this little community, and the wider feddit.uk instance as a whole. I truly believe that we’ve got something amazing in the oven here, and with enough support we can do something amazing with lemmy, feddit.uk and maybe even this silly little community.

Secondly, I’d like to take a moment to explain what this community is. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it short.

Here goes. Currently Playing is a community about the games we’re playing. It could be a game that released 10 years ago, or maybe a game that released 10 minutes ago. The only criteria we have is that it’s a game you’re playing, and have something to say about. Something positive, maybe something negative, heck maybe you’re not interested in commenting on the game at all, and just want an excuse to talk about how the game handles the breakdown of workers rights in this late-stage-capitalist-hellscape?

So there we have it.