The Speaker has promised to push forward with a Ukraine aid package once the House returns from a two-week break.

RepresentativeĀ Don BaconĀ acknowledged Sunday that it is ā€œpossibleā€ that Speaker Mike Johnson will lose the top House job over an impending vote on aid to Ukraine. ā€œIā€™m not going to deny it,ā€ the Nebraska conservativeĀ toldĀ NBCā€™sĀ Kristen Welker.

The comment comes as the House enters the second half of a two-week recess, which came on the heels of a tense fight over a government funding bill thatĀ barely averted a shutdown. Johnson entered the break promising to ā€œturn our attentionā€ to Ukraine, an issue that has divided the fractious House GOP caucus and kept the U.S. government from approving an aid package, even as the SenateĀ passedĀ a $95 billion bill in February.

George RepresentativeĀ Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has long been staunchly opposed to U.S. aid to Ukraine, filed a motion to vacate Johnsonā€™s speakership right as the House went into recess,Ā warning that Johnson ā€œshould not bring funding for Ukraineā€ to the House floor. Greene has yet to say when she plans to move forward with the motion.

    6 months ago

    Damned if they do and damned if they donā€™t. They either get condemned for helping keep a GOP speaker in place or they get criticized for not helping and getting stuck another freedom caucus pick speaker, after they bicker for a month.