President Biden’s reelection campaign is preparing to highlight abortion rights in the lead-up to the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, CBS News has learned, seeking to tie the upcoming election to a “woman’s right to make her own health care decisions — including the very possible reality of a MAGA Republican-led national abortion ban.”

The extensive plans include ad buys, campaign rallies and events across the U.S. organized in lockstep with the Democratic National Committee, which will launch opinion pieces in local newspapers focusing on statewide abortion bans.

Ahead of the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision on Jan. 22, television and digital ads highlighting the personal impact of abortion restrictions will air in swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to a Biden-Harris campaign official.

  • Whirlybird
    8 months ago

    He literally gave you a time when they could have done it. Stop moving the goalposts. They could have but they didn’t.

    It’s insane how you guys don’t seem to get that the democrats were dancing with joy when roe v wade was overturned because it meant they could campaign on it for the next election. I guarantee you they won’t make abortion legal nationwide if they win again, because then they lose a key election promise.

      8 months ago

      Still harping on one incidence that has been explained countless times. Why didn’t they move the world in the 2 months they had? I could give you reasons, and I have. But you’re just going to point at a short period of time while ignoring the politics.

      • Whirlybird
        8 months ago

        “Name one time!!!”

        names one time

        “……name 2 times!!!”