“Biden broke the rail strike” is such a potent inarguable fact undermining biden’s claim to be “the most pro-labor president in US history” that libs have developed a copypasta about it. It talks about some stuff he did after the strike was broken to get the workers some things. I won’t go into details because they fundamentally do not matter. As always, reject this framing and substitute your own. Here it is:

Unions, worker organizing, and strikes are not about the working class beseeching the government to give them things. They are about building power so the working class can emancipate themselves. So it doesn’t matter what treats biden gave the workers, because he undermined worker power by killing their strongest weapon: the voluntary withholding of their own labor. Since all roads of political change in the lib mind fundamentally come back to beating the government like a pinata hoping to get a treat, they will not understand this.

Don’t even engage with the lib copypasta. If you’ve started wrangling over what they got vs. what they asked for you’ve already lost, because you’ve accepted the lib framing. Labor liberalism is the idea that unions exist to more effectively lobby the government. A core Marxist tenet is that the working class must emancipate themselves. It has nothing to do with asking the government to intercede on their behalf. Always remember this.