Every liberal does it too, from center right radlibs to far-right “conservatives”: the most extreme right fringe liberals hate the mainstream liberals for not being bigoted enough, the mainstream libs hate the radlibs for not being cruel enough, and the radlibs hate the left for not being chauvinist enough.

Denouncing chauvinism in particular is like a liberal moral event horizon, a cardinal sin against their self-interested belief in the righteousness of the imperial hegemon that keeps the treats flowing at gunpoint.

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    yeah… I was a liberal once, and it was definitely informed in large part by wanting to be “good” and correct. I became kind of a debatelord for a minute there. But, what I didn’t do, was shit my pants and demand the mods ban them when it became clear I was on the wrong side of something, I lived and learned and moved on (generally leftward). You gotta be able to take the L sometimes.

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Liberals are incapable of understanding politics.


    They’re used to only dealing with some form of Fox (or Fox Business) Conservative. Like, thats the only other form of politics they can fathom outside of some vague adherence to “smart government.” And when it comes to “getting stuff done” they think it’s just a numbers game: just get enough good Libs elected and things will be gooder, or some shit.

    Like, forget war - which for some reason Libs can’t wrap their heads around that war is fucking bad. What’s the Lib response to climate change or failing healthcare or inexplicable income gaps? Vote harder? California is a Super Majority D state. Obama had Congress sewn up for 2 years. Conservativism is effectively dead where the majority of people live. So what’s the endgame? When does shit get better?

    And that’s where Libs are left with an identity crisis because to admit any one little (but really fucking big) thing is beyond repair is admitting there are systemic problems that cannot be solved with the only tool in the shed: voting. And that’s basically the Lib version of staring into the abyss.

    Everything a Lib knows is a fucking lie.