My boss hasn’t rehired any of the staff that have left in the last 6 months so I’m the only person in my department now. So I’m supposed to never get sick or need a day off ever? cool. cool.
This may not be all bad. You could potentially only work what you’re capable of, and when things inevitably fall behind, basically tell them either you need more money to work multiple people’s jobs or they need to hire.
That said, I understand if you are the main income provider in your family or if you are I’m a career that doesn’t have a lot of jobs if you feel pressured to stick with it and not make a fuss. I had a breakdown in my first accounting job when I was doing 3 peoples work. Really opened my eyes to knowing my worth.
So you get paid equivalent to all salaries cut, right?….right?!?
I am sorry my friend. Hopefully a solution can be found somehow. Or at least a better job.
You guys get to leave the pit of despair?
Found the Chinese factory worker. Also -10 social credit.
This is my last day of vacation so this really hit home for me.
Yeah, I feel this in my bones. Memes aren’t supposed to hurt.
“We’re family!”
“I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”
“Fuck off.”
I’ve been on parental leave since July. It definitely hasn’t been a walk in the park, but I’ve enjoyed not feeling this every Monday. Dreading going back to work at the end of November… especially after being home this long.
I’ve been on vacation since Wednesday and through this week. Tuesday I had a member of my shop receive notice of his dismal, and as union steward I’ve been having to deal with it since then. On Wednesday he is almost certainly getting fired, unjustly.
So next Monday when I return to work, this is me.
I’ll remind you in 7 days.
I’ll be back.
Happy Monday! Hope this day turns out to be better than you expect and that you have an amazing one.
The guy ended up not getting fired, unfortunately because he’s a asshole. But I had to sit in meetings dealing with his punishments. And then I was cold all day because it was just above freezing and wearing my overalls basically did little.
So pit of despair was unfortunately accurate.
I’m sorry man. As someone who had a not great day myself, sending hugs from me to you. I hope it gets better for you tomorrow
I dream of getting sharp chest pain so I don’t have to go to work anymore.
I think that’s an attainable goal.
What’s the joke here