Libs: stop telling the rich to throw money away, it’s not gonna solve everything.

Also libs: Ukraine aid asap, thoughts and prayers.

Rest of thread contains: billionaire apologia and dehumanization of the homeless

Fuck crapitalist realism

Eat the rich

Link because I’m not a lib

  • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    People conflate the term “Responsibility” with “Culpability,” usually folding the latter into the former. The homeless guy under a bridge or people living at or below median wages aren’t culpable for climate change or the cruelty of poverty, that’s the rich. The rich are responsible given their power, but they’re willfully cruel and fail that responsibility every single time. Thus as a matter of self-defense and an innate right to resist tyranny, the rest of us have a responsibility to ourselves and future generations to depose them and the system which gives them power. That still doesn’t make us culpable for the current harms, though, that falls squarely on the rich alone.