Detonating for over an hour: the occupant base near Melitopol was blown up. Photo

On Sunday, June 18, explosions sounded in the urban-type settlement of Rykove (Partizany) in the Geninsky district in the Kherson region, after which detonation was heard for several hours. They blew up a large warehouse with ammunition of the occupants.

This was reported by the advisor to the city head of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko in Telegram.

“Hit on the territory of the elevator. Judging from the reports from the locals - a large warehouse. Went detonation,” he noted.

According to Telegram channel “RIA-Melitopol”, the military base of the invaders detonated after an explosion at 4:00 am.

The settlement is 25 km from Genichesk and 80 km from Melitopol.