Prigozhin’s coup against Putin failed, but it may have created the conditions that are necessary for success in a second attempt.

  • Kees N ✅
    1 year ago

    Uhm, 1) I don’t think it was a coup against Putin, but rather against the army top.
    2) I think it succeeded: the Kremlin bureaucracy is severely disturbed.
    3) Putin needs Prigozhin as much as Prigozhin needs Putin.
    4) I think Prigozhin has a lot of leverage on Putin, but he does not want to slaughter the chicken with the golden eggs

      1 year ago

      @laurens @anderspuck Very interesting video. You said the other day on TV, that it has been prepared for weeks or months. I would rather think months, as I dont think you just go to a shop and buy a pantsir s1 system or two. 😉 Maybe Osechkin is right when her said 8 months? An other thing is, did Pregozhin want to become president, or was there some unknown person or group of persons who were going to take over the political scene? I guess in either case it was important to seize Putin fast and