Even the wiki is semi-cursed
It is split into five volumes, totaling 620,000 words across more than 2,000 pages.
My brother in Christ, thank you for this. Hilarious!
i did NOT expect this to actually exist
The incorporation of more violent and mature content contributes to a darker overall tone than the Friendship Is Magic source material.
I had expected it but was still disappointed.
how does a pony fire an AK-47?
Battle saddles - basically a saddle with mouth trigger to which you mount whatever weapon you need and auto reload on kick. Or telekinesis, if unicorn.
Okay, that’s enough Internet for me today.
I haven’t read it, since it’s MLP, and also since it’s apparently 2000 pages, so I can’t tell you. But I do want to know
In “Fallout: Equestria,” ponies fire guns and perform other actions using:
- Magic and Telekinesis: Unicorns use magic to manipulate objects.
- Adaptive Technology: Specialized tools and mechanisms for hooves.
- Collaboration: Teamwork leveraging unique strengths.
- Creative Problem-Solving: Innovative use of tools and environment.
These adaptations showcase the ponies’ resilience in a post-apocalyptic world.
Huh. Dunno if any of that is true, shan’t verify
Ok, now do Fallout: the Care Bears.
Or, in Tamers12345’s universe (objectively the best one) you can just DO it… with varying degrees of success.
Sometimes in fantasy or scifi it’s fine to say “that’s just how it is, don’t worry about it” hah
It pulls the trigger. Duh.
You might be overthinking it.
AK, in Fallout world? Pffft
The “chinese assault rifle” from Fallout 3 looks pretty much like an AK to me.
It pretty much is tbh
They have particularly nimble pelvic muscles.
Honestly, Wikipedia, who the fuck still uses a subdomain for mobile?
Honestly, please do. Don’t try to deduce it from UA or worse yet, aspect ratio. The results are predictable this way. Or maybe have 3 subdomains, for mobile, for desktop, for auto.
I see you’ve never done serious web development.
Ok time to close IE6 and get you to bed grandpa
Stop stealing my heart pills.
Holy equestrian atrocity. I thought only AI…
Surprisingly, I know about this, thanks to Station 13 shenanigans.
There were at least 4 books from what I remember. They made physical hardback copies so you could enjoy an MLP fanfic for the low low cost of $120!
How are the rights holders for MLP and Fallout not suing the shit out of this publisher?
I was shocked at first but then i was like “yeah, sounds right” and then i looked up the word count of this collection of stories and…620,000 words across over 2000 pages.
War and Peace only has 587,000.
amazed. I’m amazed. Thanks for showing me this.
There’s a Super Smash Bros Brawl fanfiction with over 4.1 million words. It used to hold some kind of unofficial record for the longest piece of english fiction, but I think there’s longer ones out there now.
It had been a long battle for survival, but he managed to stop the imbeciles from defeating him for real. Tabuu, though, had been weakened during the battle. As he floated along in the void of the Subspace surrounded by darkness and swirling purple and blue colors, he reflected on the disastrous end of the battle.
Master Hand had shown up right before Tabuu could terminate the big group of Smashers. As a last ditch attempt, the omnipotent hand used his space-bending powers to recall each one of the Smashers to their worlds, back into the past before they participated in the Brawl tourney and the war against the Subspace Army. He then called Crazy Hand, and both of them escaped from Tabuu’s clutches, effectually putting a sudden end to the conflict for the time being…
Oh. Oh dear oh deary dear… there are millions of these words.
What in the cursed hell is this
Fallout with no brakes and ponies.
Fat roman larpers fuck mutant ponies or something probably.
If this was in stock right now I’d be down $120.
Hang on there Anon, I’m thirsty so I’m gonna get a cup of bleach before you start.
Have you heard of Sonic? What about Pikachu? Now, what happens when we combine them together to make… Sonichu!
Whoa, that’s amazing! I’m gonna show my elderly mother!
The medallion is also cursed.
We all are.
I actually read the entirety of HPMoR to my elderly mother. I tried to sell her on Friendship is Optimal but I think rationalist pony fanfic is a bit too ambitious a leap.
piknic is way better than sonichu
Now, what happens when we combine them together to make… Sonichu!
…you get serially harassed by online weirdos, likely become the single most documented human in all of history because of said weirdos, come out as trans and eventually get charged for incest with your mother?
Woah woah woah, sonichu is a totally Original Character (do not steal), that has nothing to do with either of those!
Whatever happened to that guy? Last I heard they let him out of prison.
She came out as trans and goes by Christine.
Don’t know the answer, but I think she uses “she/her” pronouns now.
Do NOT ask me what color his arms are.
You should know.
Project Horizons, a spin off, has 1,780,334 words.
Fallout: Equestria is a rabbit hole in the rabbit hole of the MLP fandom
I’ve got the giant bible version of it. Thin paper, gold edges.
One time a colleague and I found that book just chilling under an unused desk at work. We had never heard of it, so we were pretty confused. 😆 Still kinda am, honestly.
But why?
I was big into the show. By the time I got the book I had already read it a couple times online and knew it would be a worthwhile purchase, even if silly. Been almost 10 years but it’s not a purchase I regret.
Say what…
Jesus christ the legs. They really wanna fuck horses huh?
Still better than AI “art” 🤷
Reply All, keeping me up to date on pop culture.
OP’s gay and a furry. Lol.
That’s like a quarter of lemmy.
Still a better story than fallout 4
God I remember reading about the adventures of Security for years after I stopped watching MLP. Fallout: Equestria was a wild place with two mammoth works written in the space.